Welcome to your daily dose of nerds!

About me!

➼ Heyhey, I'm 19, gay punk & lover of nerds and I primarily go by he/him pronouns :^)
➼ My main is @stepcIam
➼ I'm from germany and my timezone is CEST

About submitting:

  • Nerd is a broad term but in this context I'm talking about characters that exude the typical "nerdy look" and/or more or less fit under the definition

  • Definition of a nerd: A person seen as overly intellectual, obsessive, introverted or lacking social skills

  • "Problematic" media is allowed, however I'm allowed to refuse anything makes me uncomfortable. (This does not include media that is centered around inc*st or minor/adult relationships, those are always banned)

  • Fictional characters/life action only

  • Send me the full name + media they're from and optionally (but preferred) at least 2 images through DM

  • 18+ media is allowed but inform me beforehand so I can tag it as such

  • You can submit one character per time, you're free to submit another once your request was posted

Characters I've already posted:

Jeff Andonuts (Earthbound/Mother 2)